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#74 Sévérine

Bond Girl Severine
Actress: Bérénice Marlohe
Nationality: French
Bond Movie: Skyfall (2012)
Sévérine was a captive of Raoul Silva's, who had taken her out of the Macau sex trade at a young age. Bond met Sévérine at a casino and convinced her that he could kill Silva and let her go free if she helped him out. After killing her bodyguards, Bond managed to escape the casino and travelled with Sévérine to Silva's private Island. The pair were caught, and for her betrayal, Silva placed a glass of Scotch on Sévérine's head and asked Bond to shoot it off. Bond purposefully missed, but Silva shot her in the head anyway, killing her and knocking off the Scotch. Bond coldly commented that it was a waste of good Scotch. Bérénice Marlohe "> Bérénice Marlohe nue,nu,nud,nude,nues,bare,desnudas,nackte,nude,nuas,sexy,naken,agored,alasti,çiplak,desnudos,naakt,gol,meztelen,naak,nag,nahý,naked,nakinn,nøgen,pose nu,topless enny Flex nude,naked,desnudo,nu,nue,nackt,nudo,çıplak,nagi,naakt,naken,sex,sexy

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