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#54 Kara Milovy

Bond Girl Kara Milovy
Actress: Maryam d'Abo
Nationality: Dutch
Bond Movie: The Living Daylights (1987)
Kara Milovy was the girlfriend of Georgi Koskov, a traitor playing both sides in the cold war. Koskov pretended to defect to the West, and got Milovy to shoot blanks at him to make it look more real. He knew that she would be assassinated by Bond, who was assigned to protect Koskov. However, Bond noticed she wasn't a professional, and he didn't kill her. When Koskov was discovered to be a traitor, Bond met Milovy posing as a friend of Koskovs. He gained her trust and revealed his identity, gaining a brave ally for his mission. Maryam d'Abo nude

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